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About This Blog

If you read my “about me” section, you will have already met me.  If not, I’m Aimee.  

When looking around on my blog, you will see a few things on the home page.  One is a little thing I like to call “Cake Fails.  These are detailed accounts of recipes that I have tried that went south.  I then do my best to tell you why they failed and how you can prevent that. I want to really drive home on this blog that we all make mistakes or trip up sometimes.  And that’s ok.  It’s all a learning experience.

As for my easy baking recipes, I have split them up into sections.  So for example, in the section entitled “All Things Cheesecake” I have my easy baking cheesecake recipes but in addition to that I have a post on the top of the page that is intended to tell you everything you need to know about baking a cheesecake.  And it is like that for every baking section (It’s a work in progress, only a couple of sections have it so far)

I also have a few videos and posts in the “tips and techniques” section to also help answer your questions.

I hope you all enjoy this blog and find it helpful.  My goal with this blog besides showing that everything doesn’t have to be look perfect to taste perfect, is to help you all on your baking journey.  So please let me know if you have any other questions.

Everything You Need To Know About Baking

Round Ups of Easy Baking Recipes