By now I think you have all seen Hot Chocolate Bombs. It is blowing up everywhere online and by now there are hundreds of videos on it. But if you haven’t seen it yet. They are a hollow sphere of chocolate filled with all the hot chocolate fixens and placed into a mug and then you pour hot milk onto it and the ball melts and creates a delicious cup of hot chocolate. I use homemade hot chocolate mix, nutella, mini marshmallows, and crushed candy cane but you can absolutely use whatever you would like. The only thing that I would say is mandatory is hot chocolate mix. Whether homemade or store bought.

Which Chocolate Do I Use For Hot Chocolate Bombs?
Most recipes that I see of hot chocolate bombs use candy melts or compound chocolate which isn’t actual chocolate so it doesn’t taste as good in my opinion. People use this mostly because this kind of chocolate doesn’t have to be tempered to be shiny. Tempering takes a little bit more effort but I promise you it isn’t as hard as people say. You just have to be mindful of the temperature that you are getting to and make sure that for semi sweet chocolate you don’t go above 90•. It’s just about being patient and melting your chocolate gently. If you do chose to use compound chocolate, that is completely fine. I get it. The holiday season is stressful so anyway to get things done faster is what we all want to do. It is completely up tp you.
Why do I have to use a plastic bowl to melt my chocolate?
I always use a plastic, microwave safe bowl to temper my chocolate. Reason being is that 1 of course you should never put metal in the microwave but also metal and glass hold onto heat so they will heat up whatever you are heating in the bowl more than you want it to be. For most things this is no problem but for something like tempering chocolate, one degree can mess the whole thing up so better safe than sorry.
I hope you all enjoyed this recipe and I hope you all have an amazing holiday! Follow this blog to make more messes with me and follow me on Instagram, Facebook Twitter and Snapchat this holiday season for everything I am up to and I’ll see you all next time. Bye Guys

Hot Chocolate Bombs
A sphere of semi sweet chocolate filled with all the hot chocolate fixens: homemade hot chocolate mix, marshmellows, nutella and crushed candy cane. Then this ball is placed into a mug and hot milk and heavy cream is poured over it.
- 1 Bag (11.9 oz) of semisweet chocolate chips
- 18 Mini Marshmallows
- 3 Tsp of Nutella
- 2 Crushed Candy Canes
- 18 oz of Heavy Cream
- 18 oz of Whole Milk
- 1/4 of a cup Granulated Sugar
- 1/4 of a cup of Cocoa Powder
- First we are going to temper the chocolate: Chop all of the chocolate chips up into smaller pieces/shavings and place them into a plastic bowl.
- Microwave the chocolate in a 1000 watt microwave for 30 seconds initially and then 15 seconds there after, stirring in between each interval until fully melted.
- Do not let the chocolate go above 90•. Going above 93• will ruin the temper and your bombs will not come out of mold so staying below 90• is kind of like the safe zone. You can use any food thermometer to check for temp. Truth be told, I am using a meat thermometer right now because my candy thermometer broke.
- Prepare a silicone half spherical mold by whiping it down with a dry paper towel to get rid of water thet could be in there from washing or oils that could make the chocolate stick and not come out of the mold.
- Pour a spoonful of melted chocolate into each mold. Use a pastry brush to brush the chocolate up the sides of the mold until it's coating the whole mold. Let set in the fridge for 15 minutes.
- Pour another spoonful of chocolate into each mold. Use the pastry brush to distribute the chocolate all around the mold. For this second coat, focus on any spots that you may have missed or are thin and especially build up the sides. Let set in the fridge for 15 minutes.
- While the bombs are setting, get the fixens together. Crush up the 2 candy canes, and mix up the granulated sugar and the cocoa powder to make a homemade hot chocolate mix. Also get out the mini marshmallows.
- Take the bombs out of the fridge and carefully remove them from the molds.
- Flip the mold over and use it to perch 3 half spheres so they don't roll around.
- Fill each of the 3 half spheres with all the hot choccolate fixens - 2 Tbsps and 2 Tsps of hot chocolate mix, 6 mini marshmallows, 1 Tsp of Nutella and however much crushed candy cane that you would like.
- Take the remaining melted chocolate and get the edges of the half spheses coated in the chocolate. Place the other half of the spheres on top and use more melted chocolate to rienforce the seams. Place back in the fridge for 15 minutes to set. You can decorate the ball with sprinkles or anything like that to cover the seam if you like at this point as well.
- Now to make the hot chocolate you can heat the milk and cream up to a simmer, place the hot chocolate bomb in a mug and pour the hot cream ontop of it to melt the ball.
If the chocolate starts to cool too much and is hard to work with you can heat it back up for about 10 seconds. Just be mindful that you stay below 90•.
These also make great gifts and also are perfectly fine in the fridge for up to. a month.
If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below, message me on instagram, facebook or leave me an email.