Happy 2022 everyone! I took a break for Christmas and New Years but I am so glad to be back.For my first recipe of 2022, I am making something that I can’t believe I haven’t made yet. Homemade Oreo Cookies!

Oreos are not only milk’s favorite cookie, they are also one of mine. I love them so much in fact, that I have a whole category of recipes on this website and my YouTube Channel devoted to pudding cakes that are made with each different oreo.
In this series, I have made original, golden and strawberry Oreo pudding cakes so far. Let me know which you think I should make next?
As you know, if you have been following me for a while (If you haven’t, you can subscribe with your email up at the top or in the side bar so that you will get an email every time I post.) you may know that I do try to keep my posts short and sweet, and add just what is needed nothing more and nothing less. And this one is no different. It may not be as short as others but I made sure to only include what is totally necessary.
I have heard a lot of people say that they don’t really like food blogs because they need to tell you the story behind their recipe. How they used to work in the garden with their grandmother as a child picking peas and that’s why they are making this pea soup when all people want is the recipe. I am trying not to do that.
What Makes An Oreo An Oreo?
When you bite into an oreo, what are the characteristics that you think are unmistakably oreo?
To me #1 is crunchiness. Most of the time I like my cookies to be soft and pillowy. But not these homemade oreo cookies. When I was testing for this recipe, one of the test batches were not baked long enough and were a little too soft. Good but not Oreos.
#2 to me would be that dark chocolatey flavor. For this I am going to use some instant espresso powder in my homemade oreo cookies.
Instant espresso powder actually enhances the flavor of chocolate. You will not actually taste the espresso powder, It just makes the chocolate taste more chocolatey.
Also, I do this for every recipe but salt enhances flavor as well so salt is also very important.

The third characteristic that is crucial in an Oreo to me is very thin and flat cookies and I will talk in the next section about why that’s important and how to accomplish it.
Why Dough Is Frozen Before Baking Our Homemade Oreo Cookies?
To replicate this the best way possible, we want our cookies as flat as possible. And that is why we freeze them first because when dough is cold, it has less of a chance to get hot enough to spread and rise in the oven.
When dough bakes, a few things happen. Butter melts and spreads, baking soda starts to activate and make the baked good spread. The eggs contribute to rising a little etc.
However, if you freeze your baked goods first, it will bake before it has the chance for these things to happen.
I hope you all enjoyed this recipe and I hope you all have an amazing holiday! Follow this blog to make more messes with me and follow me on Instagram, Facebook , Twitter and Snapchat this holiday season for everything I am up to and I’ll see you all next time. Bye Guys

Homemade Oreos
A sweet cream filling sandwiched between 2 dark cocoa flavored cookies
- 1 Stick of Unsalted Butter (softened)
- 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar
- 2 Egg
- 2 Tsp of Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 Tsp of Salt
- 1 1/4 Cup of All Purpose Flour
- 1 of a Cup of Cocoa Powder
- 1 tsp of Baking Soda
- 1 of a Tsp of Instant Espresso Powder
- 1/2 of a Cup of Crisco
- 1 1/2 of a Cup of Confectioners Sugar
- 1 Tsps of Vanilla Extract
- Sift together the dry ingredients in a large bowl.
- Cream the softened butter and the sugar together using a stand mixer, hand mixer or by hand until light and fluffy.
- Add the eggs and the vanilla extract and beat until incorperated.
- Add the dry ingredients in stages and beat until incorperated.
- Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Beat together the shortening, confectioners sugar and vanilla extract until all incorperated.
Forming, Baking, and Putting Together the Cookies
- Roll the dough out to a twelfth of an inch thick and punch out 1 inch circles from the dough. ( reroll the scraps of dough to get more cookies)
- Freeze cookies for 20 minutes.
- Bake for 10 minues or until hard.
- Let cool completely. While that's happening. place the filling into a piping bag and snip off the tip.
- Turn over half of the cooled cookies and pipe a small dollop of filling on them. Sandwich the other cookie with no frosting on top.
Leave any leftovers at in an airtight container at room temperture for up to a week.
If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below, message me on instagram, facebook or leave me an email.